Overlapping Toes

All about Overlapping Toes

Unless you were born with overlapping toes, the most likely cause of the problem is continuously wearing shoes of a poor design or those that fit poorly.  There are, however, other causes that bear mentioning.

overlapping toes

The Causes of Overlapping Toes Include

Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis can cause deformities in the joints, which can cause the toes to overlap or press on each other.  Any of the joints of the toes and feet can be affected.

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Foot & Heel Pain

Foot & heel pain can be caused by a number of different conditions.  But, the most common cause is wearing poor-fitting (or poorly designed) shoes.

Whether or not you spend a great deal of time on your feet, it is important that your arches are properly supported, that the shoe is wide enough and that the heels are not too high.

High-heeled pointy toed shoes cause more aches and pains than just the ones experienced in the feet.  The knees, … Read the Full Article

Diabetic Foot Care & Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic foot care encompasses steps that are aimed at preventing infection and relieving the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy.

What is Diabetic Neuropathy?

A neuropathy is a disorder that affects the nervous system.  A diabetic neuropathy can affect nearly any part of the body, but the feet are typically affected first.

Neuropathies do not affect the central nervous system, which includes the brain and spinal column, but the peripheral nerves which transmit signals to the brain, via the spinal column.  … Read the Full Article